Friday, October 2, 2009

Capitalism: a love story

I'll be viewing this tonight and, as with all michael moore films, I doubt i'll be disappointed with it. Moore has always been entertaining while thought provoking and this is the latest installment of his fulfillment of a civic duty/discourse all too important today. I've taken up digging into things in the past and written op eds, picking at scabs that are rife with hypocrisy and malfeasence. Moore is an example for us all that we are our own most powerful source of information, clarity, and change if we are willing to just show up.

Unfortunately, we're pretty lazy with all the technology we have; it has done some great things for us but all too often, we don't have the attention span, or time to glean and absorb all the information that is important to us. So we leave that to others; they are busy informing, or misinforming, the masses with undocumented opinions from blowhards like glenn beck. It allows someone else to do the work for us, think for us, form opinions for us. Hell, they might as well vote for us since so few of us do that.

It's sickening to see some of the bullshit they cover and blatantly falsify only to be shown how idiotic they are being on comedy shows. Stewart, Colbert, Maher and others in many respects cover the news better than most serious news programs. That's why movies like this are so important today, it's the only way to get the information out there without it being spun out of control in the news cycle.

I'm sure I'll have more to write after seeing the movie tonight.